Sunday, August 2, 2009

Calla's Seventy-Second Post

I HAVE A REALLY GOOD IDEA. If you have the ability to implement it, by all means, please oh please oh please steal my really good idea. . .

So, it is about not eating meat. It is inspired by the fact that, on average, it takes 10 pounds of grain to produce 1 pound of flesh for consumption. So, here is my idea. Someone needs to start a program where people can pledge to eat less meat. So it can either be like once a week, like someone not eating meat on Sundays, or it can be like around a holiday season, whatever. And then, in the place of that person not eating meat that day or days, hungry families in developing countries get fed.

I know it sounds a little nutty because the food that the person is giving up isn't actually connected to the food that will feed the people in Africa, or South America or whatever. But I know that at Yale they do this program where people can donate one of their swipes in the dining hall (if you are like me and didn't go to school on a college campus, you will have to use your reasoning to figure out what that sentence means.) to a food bank. So it's not like homeless people would come eat in the dining hall or anything, just that Yale would donate money to a food bank. I don't know why or how often Yale did this, but I know they did.

So, it is entirely plausible that a non-profit could start this. Or a non-profit could be started for this purpose. Really, we need to stop eating meat and start feeding starving people.

Also, if you have a dog, you can feed your dog vegetarian with no problems. They are not tricky the way carnivorous cats are because they omnivorous in nature like us people. I may have said that at some point in time on here, but I am saying it again so that you all know so that you can stop polluting the earth.

OK, that's all. thanks.


Calla and the kitties.

hiding in the closet from the booming rain

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