Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Calla's Seventy-First Post

I haven't written a post in a super long time but then Jamie made a post and it was rambly and it had a picture so it was similar enough to my own craziness to inspire me to write a new post. Know what's dumb? hypocrisy. I am starting a series of visual art pieces entitled "artistic critiques of hypocrisy." I'm gonna scan them all into a computer and make another Lulu book like I did for my poetry book. There's a link to it. I made a facebook group when I made it called "Calla Self published a book, you should buy it." I think that's how it was. With the typo and all. . . But all these people joined and none of them bought it. Probably because not so many people like poetry.

I can't figure out how to comment on or follow Jamie's blog. There's a link in case you were curious.

Oh, so back to the books: I will post the cover of
Poems here as a guest cat cause I drew a cat on it. I doodled it in a boring class one time during my Junior year and then drew it big and made aliens too for a cover. You will see. It has a cute kitty.

I cannot tell you about the hypocrisy project as you are expected to buy my book when it is self-published. But I can just tell you this: there will probably be a lot about animal abuse. (Like you didn't know that already.)

I went to Arizona and it was hot.

That's all for now. This is short because it is a "getting back in the swing of the thing" post. I wrote "swing of the thing" instead of "swing of things" so that the rhyme would be more precise.

GUEST CAT VII This is a visual approximation of the Fuff cause I didn't have Mama yet. . . otherwise it would be a visual approximation of both of them. I already explained it above.

also this is blurry if you make it bigger cause I had to rip it off of Lulu cause I can't find it on my computer and will have to re-scan it in and do a "do-over" guest cat.

Calla and her kitties

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