Saturday, March 14, 2009

Calla's Sixty-Fifth Post

Michael Pollan is my arch nemesis. (Is that how you spell his name?) I think he is a moron. I have said this before, but I will say it again. He is not smart. He is illogical. AND THE WORST PART IS, people listen to him and think he has intelligent arguments against veganism. I'm pretty sure I have been over these before. OK, I looked it up. It's Post no. 11 from Jan. 19th. (It really is a swell rebuttal, you should check it out) And I don't have oh so much more to say or anything. I would like to point you to this article to show you how REALLY wrong he is about the "less animals die" illogical point. But even though I don't have oh so very much more to say I do have a little more to say. It has come to my attention that one of Pollan's problems with vegetarians is that they are estranged from culture or something ridiculous. Like, we can't eat Thanksgiving turkeys or hot dogs when we go to (BORING BORING BORING) baseball games. But why would I want to be engulfed by a culture that is unethical? It was the culture in antebellum south to own slaves. Am I supposed to be sorry I missed out on that cultural tradition? Cause, um, I'm NOT. And ALSO, if his overarching argument is to eat LOCAL, what the hell kinda ball park franks is he eating? He is contradictory and I don't like that. And then the other thing I want to say is that people take his argument and pull out what they want from it and leave the rest. So, people use his book, which was written to promote LOCAL omnivorous diets, to justify their current habits. Oh, and also, someone who only eats local (which is good, don't get me wrong) is going to have a much harder time going out to eat with friends than a vegan. There's nearly always something a vegan can get on a menu. I even had them modify something at Applebee's for me once. If you can find something at applebee's you can find something everywhere except McDonald's. So, who is more estranged from culture? The strict vegan or the strict localvore?

Speaking of McDonald's, I hate them. And they also have led me to the realization that I have no clue how to relate to the majority of humanity. So, they have that commercial for the filet o' fish sandwich that makes me want to cry!! There's a dead fish on the wall singing "give me back that filet o' fish. Give me that fish./ give me back that filet o' fish. Give me that fish./ What if it was you hanging up on the wall?/ if it was you in that sandwich/ you wouldn't be happy at all!" And I think, yeah bastard stopping eating dead animals!!! But this is an advertisement FOR McDonald's. That means listening to a dead animal complain that his friend is being eaten ENCOURAGES people to eat dead animals. That is sick and twisted. I do not understand. I do not understand. Someone explain, because I do not understand! Why would that make people WANT to eat fish when it makes me want to cry? I don't understand how people can be so desensitized. Also, there was this commercial on the radio that Tabby read about and told me about where the guy orders two fish sandwiches and says "i'm a fishaterian." And the lady behind him orders two french fries and he says "are you a potatotarian?" and she says "uh no, vegetarian." MCDONALD'S FRENCH FRIES ARE NOT VEGETARIAN!! THEY HAVE BEEF IN THEM!!! They are dirty liars and I hope they get sued again by more vegetarians because of their lying stupid-face commercials!

McDonald's is evil. They give people heart attacks. I've never seen super size me, but I'm pretty sure if I had, I woulda been convinced that one should never eat McDonald's. . . Because I already am convinced of that. But maybe you should watch it so you can be convinced too. And none of this "everything in moderation" bull-shit. Why would you put poison in your body in moderation? DUMB.

Um, there was more to say, but I don't feel like it right now. I used to be so great at writing on this everyday, and now I'm not. BUT, I will probably write about Galactica later cause it was on last night and it was amazing. And I will put some senior work stuff on here in a minute for real this time.
I did a midterm on Thurs and Fri and am supposed to be starting another one right now, but I don't want to want to want to. I don't want to want to at all!!!! I will do it soon though probably.

Oh, and Michael Pollan is dumb. He said "don't eat anything your grandparents wouldn't recognize as food." But different people's grandparents recognize different things as food, firstly. Secondly, why are there cultural norms better than ours? Thirdly, does this metaphor carry to other aspects of life? Should I not wear anything my grandparents wouldn't recognize as clothing? Is that clothing too "unnatural?" hahahahahhahahaa. Bye.

Calla and FUFFERS IS NEXT TO HER. Where is the Mama?

Fake animal friends Tabby bought me for Christmas

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