Thursday, March 19, 2009

Calla's Sixty-Seventh Post

CHECK OUT John Allison's March 19th comic. (As in the one from today.) I kid you NOT, this is him at his pinnacle. Oh Shelley Winters! What would I do without you in my life!? Tabby says i AM Shelley Winters. Because I act like her and sort of look like her because of my green eyes, and even though my hair is boring brown (everyone knows red is the best hair color in the world, followed by black or dark dark brown, then boring brown and last is blond because blond hair is ugly.) it actually has a redish tint in the summer. When I was in England, it was really red. Here: Here is the picture of me looking most like Shelley Winters. Alright. So it turns out this isn't the best picture of me because I look greasy and what not. BUT when we got these pictures (cause Tabby's parents had taken them) we were both like "OMGOODNESS I look like Shelley Winters." It has to do with the vacant stare in my eyes. I have an idea. I will put a cute picture of me at the end of the post so that you know I am not ugly. And then you can imagine the vacant stare with the more reddish hair on the cute picture and perhaps you will think it is more like Shelley since she is oh-so-super cute.

SO, you should look at that comic strip of today. It is pretty much to die for FUNNY. No, for real, it made me laugh three times!!! AHHHH! I love it.

On an unrelated note, I have some pretty horrible news to announce. I am more than half-way done with Spring Break. . . and far less than half way down with my assignments I have to do over Spring Break. Pretty much, I think that this means I am no longer allowed to do what we call, SLEEP. Nope. Pretty sure it will be off limits from here on out until like Next Wed. Can we do it? No, of course not; that's like a week. But, I'll probably have to limit it.

So, HAIR. YES HAIR. AHHH Greatness and a half for positive! I tried to see Hair this summer in Shakespeare in the Park. And it got rained out. Yes, one of the only three performances, which got rained out, was the one where I waited in life for hours and got all super excited and then had to be so upset that I'm pretty sure I cried. And with good reason because this show was so unbelievably intense that it actually moved from FREE Central Park Performances to $100 + per seat Broadway. It is currently in previews. I had to pay $60 for a ticket. (No i didn't. Tabby's parents paid for it because they don't know what to do with their money besides spoil myself and Tabby and they felt bad I hadn't gotten to see it this past summer.) And man oh man oh man oh man! If I HAD paid the $60 myself, it would've been MORE THAN well worth it!!!!! This was quite possibly the second best show I've ever seen (we all know #1 in my heart is Cry-Baby!!). It made me cry. Not just tear up, CRY. It was that well down. Seriously, when Claude died, I had to hold back, keep myself from losing it, because the acting, singing, and atmosphere were so right on I felt as close to him as Berger or Sheila. I kid you not, it was like losing my best friend. MAN CAN THEY SING. Sometimes you go to shows and you go, well, I could do that. Why am I supposed to be impressed? (maybe most people don't ever say "I could do that," but I had like 5 years of high school, was President of my high school choir, did musicals growing up, etc. etc.) But this musical made me say "OH MAN! I wish I could afford voice lessons again, because I would probably give almost anything to be able to sing like that." And some shows or movies about hippies pretty much make you say "wow, what a bunch of well-intentioned yet misguided youth who didn't really accomplish much of anything, huh?" Not this performance of Hair. I felt like they could enact social change, and I felt like that's what they wanted more than anything else. When Claude said that all he wanted to do was be invisible and perform miracles - well, I, for one, believed him. And I felt like their protests wouldn't be in vain but would actually catch the government's attention. And I felt like their free love was well placed within their social movement, not like their social movement was a decent excuse to practice free love. And then the ending. Well, it was the best ending to a musical EVER. PEOPLE GOT TO GO ON STAGE AND SING AND DANCE. I did not get to, because I was in the Mezzanine. But we had like a sing-a-long after the curtain call. It was fairly brilliant because it made the whole hippie-spirit thing real and not just contrived for a two hour show. Oh it was so amazingly great. I have to go see it again. I need $$$ but I also really need to see it again. With the speed at which Cry-Baby closed, I can't trust this to stay around forever. Granted it is doing better than Cry-Baby, but with the economy in its current state, who can afford Broadway tickets? Godspell (for which I was so psyched!) didn't even materialize. It was announced, and then it just fell through because no one had $$$$. But I guess we only need one hippie musical with a fairly Christian Message at a time on Broadway, right? They'd probably just compete for an audience and both close even sooner.

Alright, so that was my obsessive musical freak rant. We should do a Galactica rant. The people who watch that show are moronic. And I TOLD YOU that Daniel was a plot device to clear up the missing #7 and to show Cavil's personality. Well, in the podcast for the last episode RDM confirmed that all these stupid people babbling about "Starbuck is Daniel's son" are just that, stupid people. Ron Moore was all "I didn't realize Daniel would develop such a following. I shouldn't have put it in there. It was to demonstrate the Cain and Able - like story b/w Cavil and Daniel and nothing more, etc. etc." Well no Ron Moore, you were smart to put it in because I woulda bitched up a storm if that series ended with a MISSING number 7. And all these other people don't have cognitive reasoning or critical thinking skills. Ellen SAYS "its not like D'Anna is permanently disabled, not like what happened to Daniel." Point blank, that should've been enough for fans to understand that Daniel was not COMING BACK. PERMENANTLY DEAD. Furthermore, with opera-house mysteries, and head characters, and the significance of Hera, and "dying" leader that is still not yet dead. . . WHY would they introduce some random character mystery at THE END of the series. . . unless it was to clean up these other secrets. But Galactica is too smart to be forced to utilize deus ex machina devices. Seriously, way too intelligent a show for that.

Alright, there was a mini-galactica rant. I don't think I'll rant too much before the finale ends since I've only seen one of three hours of it. BUT I do want to tell you that I'm especially interested in Baltar. I am wondering if he is similar to Starbuck. Everyone has always questioned his ability to survive the nuclear blast on Caprica seen in the mini-series and theme song with barely a scratch on him. He may yet be a lord of Kobol. Perhaps THE Jealous lord? I hope they make Starbuck's answer conclusive. And I'm also hoping the answer is that she is Aurora because that is what I've been saying from the beginning. But either way, I hope it's not left ambiguous, just because I don't want to deal with fans freaking out about it and continuing to speculate unreasonable theories. (Like SHE'S THE SON OF DANIEL. For Frak's sake, whoever started circulating that rumor shouldn't even be allowed to watch the series finale. It should be their punishment for not understanding how to properly make use of one's reasoning center.)

Alright, more rants? Maybe more rants. Maybe not because I should actually get working on some homework. BOOOO

Alright, here is a better picture of myself. (Though many of you may disagree with that statement. I LIKE my silly face.) It was taken in honor of THOSE BOOTS. I love those boots. I bought them LAST Feb. as in February 2008 not 2009 and thought they were the greatest thing since sliced bread. They are getting sort of beat up now. :( That makes me sad. UM, they are the brand Novacas (as in no vacas as in no cows as in NOT abusive to animals). Which is verifiably the best brand of shoes ever. I'm not lying and it is not up for debates. I love them. If I was super rich, besides getting voice lessons, I would buy like 17 pairs of Novacas shoes/boots/sandals.

Here's your inanimate animal friend for the day. He is a foxy-woxy cutesy-wootsy animal cracker! I LOVE his bushy tail!!! (I guess I do eat animals!!!! OH NO!)

Love, Calla and Her Kitties.

P.S. Fuffers went to the vet today, and he has lost 2 oz since last year! I will take whatever small victories I can from fatso over here! I love him. He is so heavy (17 lbs 15 oz) that Tabby and I must take turns carrying his carrier and we have to switch like every other second. I LOVE THAT FUFF. The vet said he needs his teeth clean. I'm scared he's gonna die under anesthesia :( I will probably never recover if that is the case.

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