Monday, March 16, 2009

Calla's Sixty-Sixth Post

Remember when it was like 1996 and I was ten and everyone and their mother was on AOL chatting it up in chatrooms and IMing and forwarding crap e-mails, half of which asked you to fill out a survey about yourself? Well, pretty much with the expansion of facebook into a full fledged stalking device, the survey things are all over the place again. They're even sillier now though because we have such handy-dandy high-tech-ness; so we are able to "put your ipod on shuffle and answer these questions with the name of the songs that play." Well, I only have an ipod shuffle (from the first generation like 4 years ago), so one step is done FOR me. Anyway, it's pretty ridiculous and humerous that we all act like we are 10-14 yrs of age again. This is not to pretend like I am not guilty of it myself. In fact, I rather enjoy filling out the surveys. Everyone loves to be egotistical now and again. (some more than others.) I enjoy wasting my time talking about myself so much (that I created this blog! hahaha) that when I discovered the take a survey application thingy-ma-bob, I answered a whole lot of questions. These are the answers to them.

What is your favourite word? Edit | X
What a stupid question. alright I'm done. Tabby said, "that's not a stupid question." I said, "it seems dumb."
What makes you cry? Edit | X
animal abuse
What makes you laugh? Edit | X
GHOST BANDS!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA. Seriously, you have no idea!
If you won the lottery, how would you spend your millions? Edit | X
Donating to animal welfare groups. Buying an apartment or house with outdoor space so I could adopt chickens.
If you could travel back in time, what mistake(s) would you want to correct? Edit | X
Gone vegan in eighth grade the first time I tried instead of putting it off for five more years. For how much veal am I personally responsible?
Do you believe that the cup is half empty or half full? Edit | X
Either way, I'm gonna drink it
What do you do for fun? Edit | X
Play with my cats. haha. No, it's true. I am a crazy cat lady.
Are you an outdoor or an indoor person Edit | X
If you had only six months to live, what would you do first? Edit | X
Quit school. LOL
Where do you see yourself in five years? Edit | X
Graduated, still living here, trying to convince Tabby it's time to adopt children, hopefully having an additional rescued pet, working for an animal rights group.
Do you own any pets, and if so what do you have? Edit | X
YES YES YES. I have a fuffers baby kitty meow love who used to be my grandpa's, and I have a little tiny Mama Kitty facey who used to be my mom''s. (hand-me-downs)
Who do you admire most? Edit | X
Gene Baur and Aaron Weiss. They have to share the "most." And my sis is up there too!
Do you have any tattoos, and if so what and where? Edit | X
When do you plan on getting married? Edit | X
Soon-ish but whenever.
Romance or Kinky? Edit | X
Depends on the moment
How do you feel? Edit | X
stupid for answering so many questions. Man, am I addicted to myself. Can we say, "narcisistic." (Can we spell "narcistic?" No.)
What size shoes do you wear? Edit | X
Water or 100% Juice? Edit | X
Water. Juice is too sugary
Would you rather be hot or cold? Edit | X
Would you rather lose an arm or a leg? Edit | X
How about neither? But I guess an arm since it'd be easier to get around. Can I choose the arm? Can it be the left arm?
Favorite Place to Eat? Edit | X
hmmm. Baby Cakes. lol, does a bakery count? If not, Caravan of Dreams, but its oh so expensive.
Opera, Musical, Concert, Play, Performance, or Other? Edit | X
MUSICAL. Oh i love it!
If you had to pick one car, which would it be? Edit | X
EWWW. Public transportation or a bike!
Your favorite Disney Films? Edit | X
Lion King or Pirates or Wall-E. (I just admitted to liking Disney. Someone's gonna use that against me later, I'm sure.)
Why did the chicken cross the road? Edit | X
To escape the evil bastards trying to cut off her beak w/o anesthesia and shove her in an 18 inch cage with ten other abused lovies:(
What was your last thought? Edit | X
"It's strange how I just said I hate the taste of milk and then said I would drink soy milk and cookies". . . But notice it is CHOCOLATE soy milk. Chocolate = yum.
Juice and crackers or milk and cookies? Edit | X
YUM. LOL *I just love food.* Make it a chocolate soy milk and I'll eat both. . . one right after the other!!
Favorite fruit? Edit | X
avocado. But I don't eat them much 'cause they're shipped all the way from Mexico. :(
Are you a cat or a dog person? Edit | X
ANIMAL PERSON. But I have cats 'cause they were hand-me-downs. I want a doggyfriend so bad too though!
Would you rather be blind or deaf? Edit | X
BLIND no doubt. (And then I would get a puppy friend to lead me around everywhere hehehe)
Define yourself in 3 words... Edit | X
Stubborn, Christian, VEGAN
Do you eat cold cereal at night? Edit | X
When I am craving soy milk. I hate the taste of all milks but sometimes crave it anyway. This was true of me during vegetarian days too. I would eat cereal if I craved mi
What is your favorite TV show? Edit | X
Battlestar Galactica. Followed by: my so-called-life, Wonderfalls, and Mad Men
Kill the spider or let it out? Edit | X
LET IT OUT. Why are people so senselessly cruel?
Do you shower every single day? Edit | X
Walking past a beggar, spare change or ignore? Edit | X
Spare change for positive. I feel guilty if I don't have any.
Where do you want to travel next? Edit | X
Watkins Glen, NY to visit the babies at Farm Sanctuary
What would you do if Michael Jackson asked you out Edit | X
Say, "sorry I am in a serious and monogamous relationship."
What is your favorite food? Edit | X
Cake. haha. MMM. I made delicious chocolate pudding cake the other day and Tabby and I ate it all in like 3 days. hmmm.
Do you read harry potter books? Edit | X
If you could have one super human power what would you choose? Edit | X
Mind manipulation. None of ya'll would think animals were food anymore!!
Have you had a beer in the last week? Edit | X
I don't like it.
Vitamin Water or Gatorade? Edit | X
How about pure H2O. Vitamin Water is like drinking a soda and taking a vitamin. Not so very good for you.
Flip flops or sandles? Edit | X
What do you do on fridays? Edit | X
Watch BATTLESTAR GALACTICA twice in a row and freak the frak out about how great it is!! Alas, the series finale is this Friday, and then I will be at a loss.
Do you like bananas? Edit | X
Yes, but feel guilty buying them 'cause there's no way to get them local
They went in backwards order. Well, that was just a quick post. It's over now.

P.S. I just noticed that the person who wrote this is not from the U.S. because of the word "favourite"

Love, Calla and her kitties.

P.S. that first P.S. doesn't really count as a "post" script because I had not signed my name yet.

This is a puppy friend from Rye Playland. I told my friend Angel I wanted a bunny, and he couldn't find any, but said this dog kinda had bunny ears. Which is maybe a little bit tiny bit true.

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