Sunday, April 12, 2009


So, today it is Easter. I did not go to Church today because I went for 2 1/2 hours last night for the Great Easter Vigil and it was so exciting when everyone rang bells when Jesus rose! It was like a big party. I danced in my pew. I was also there for over two hours on Good Friday and Maundy Thursday. So all and all I was there like 7 hours for Easter Church. I didn't want to have to deal with an overcrowded church of people who only go to church on Holidays. It seemed unnecessary. So, here are some pictures about Easter.

I made Easter cookies on Maundy Thursday after Church. I made A LOT. Like 30 or something.

They are all trapped inside!?

:( [this picture is sideways. tilt your head]

This is what I got Tabby. It is two cookies. One like a bunny and one like an egg and they are both pink. A crispy cat mint coconut candy bar. It is vegan but still thick like how one thinks candy bars should be (like snickers, twix, three muskateers, etc.) The company makes two other flavors. A Luna Bar that is peppermint. A little baby dark chocolate bunny. And eggs filled with vegan gummy bears and vegan hard candies that are pomegranate flavored. And ALSO A STUFFED LAMBY. You should buy your stuffed animals from this company called stuffington because it is still in the United States. But it is in Phoenix. So, it might be filled with non-union undocumented workers who are still abused. . .

This is Tabby with Resurrection. (That is the lamby's name.)

This is what Tabby got me. That is a lamby named Lamb of God.

In the basket are lots and lots of dark chocolate eggs and ONE GIANT dark chocolate egg. He told me they are fair trade. Then there is a cookie shaped like a butterfly and a cookie shaped like a turtle. "AN EASTER TURTLE!?" I said. And there is mini brownies. And super cute salt and pepper shakers who love each other. This man on Union Square sells them and I always want them cause I'm obsessed with cute kitchen stuff. See, they are hugging.

It turned out the lambys are sisters! They were very happy to be reunited because they are sad they were pulled away from their mommy at such a young age.


This is Fuffers smelling flowers that ARE GROWING OUT OF A BUNNY! Tabby's mom gave them to us for Easter. She gave them to us last Sunday though. The bunny's name is Bun-Bun No Nose because she has no nose! The flowers are named Yellow Flowers.

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