Saturday, April 18, 2009

Calla's Sixty-Ninth Post

I saw a book today that, um, BOTHERS ME, to say the least. It is part of this growing trend in idiocy in the vein of Michael Pollan. It by some woman who's last name is ironically Friend, and it is called
The Compassionate Carnivore. I didn't read the book, only the jacket. And what I found there alone disturbs me deeply. It is another one of those eat local "sustainable" meat and the world will be a happier place. It talked about how the author raises and kills lambys or sheep or something. . . And about the surprising gratitude she felt when she ate an animal she raised and LOVED. Someone needs to explain this to me in terms I can understand. I have problems with people killing sentient beings whom they supposedly LOVE. I can't kill BUGS (I trap them, walk into the hallway, and let them out the window), let alone an animal I love. Imagine killing a pet. Just imagine slitting a beloved pets neck. If you are capable of this, I don't think you understand the definition of love. You should be willing to die for things you love, not willing to kill them. There is something twisted in the psyche of anyone who goes "oh, I love to kill things I love and eat them even though it is entirely unnecessary for my health and actually destructive for the environment!" So, that's my first beef. (haha, no pun intended.) I could NEVER kill one of my cats. Not if my life depended on it. If my life depended on it, I would die instead. How can you take the life of a thinking, feeling, breathing, trusting, loving animal, whom you love!?

Second problem with this whole movement. UNSUSTAINABLE AND IMPOSSIBLE. No matter what way you slice it, eating meat is not a sustainable process. One can argue that eating grass fed animals does not take the same grains away from people. . . But I don't get it. If the amount of animals people eat every year were all grass-fed, WE WOULD HAVE NO TREES LEFT. How are you gonna clear that much brush for that amount of animals?! Explain to me how you're gonna do that? WHICH MEANS, that it is impossible for EVERYONE to eat local, grass-fed animals. It just is. So, for whom is this diet designed? Not the general population. Additionally, even people who may want to eat locally and may be able to afford it are not necessarily going to have access to such dead animals. The argument doesn't make any sense when the general population of the United States is considered. The suggestion works for a small minority, and it is, dare I say, elitist?

Furthermore, I feel like these arguments don't work for meat-eaters. I feel like people are more likely to use them as an excuse for continuing the status quo, or there is the "slippery slope" idea, where people will switch to local death and then be all "oh, well, I can go out to eat at this restaurant this one time for my friend's birthday," and that one time turns into once a week, which turns into a habitual event. It is unrealistic to expect people to eat only local meat and not expect them to want to eat out every once in a while. I know of only two restaurant that serve local meat. That means you asking these people only to eat meat that they cook themselves, and I think that is an unrealistic expectation knowing the general weak-will of humanity.

So, what I think these books are more likely to turn vegans and vegetarians into people who eat local animals than to turn omnivores into people who only eat local death. Do you agree? Am I right?

But seriously, that love part is what gets me more than anything. I am greatly disturbed by this definition of love.

Besides the point. Calla Wright. I have to write my name. If people are going to search for me in creepy websites like 123people this blog better come up! As of now it doesn't. So I put my name it. . . for any creepy people who want to find me, now they can. haha. Weird right?

I made up a lamby dance! But Tabby needs to record it before it can go on here. So, I can't put it on here yet. BUT, the lambys do a lamby dance, the lambys do a lamby dance, the lambys do a lamby dance, they dance! 'Cause they're so happy that nobody eats them, yes they're so happy nobody eats them. And they're so happy no one abuses them, yes they're so happy no one abuses them! The lambys made up their dance. . . um. . . I think. . . not yesterday. . . but the day before. . . And I didn't see that stupidface book until today. So it made me even more upset when I saw that book, 'cause those lambys in the book don't get to do a dance! People eat them. :( And people they TRUST, the way my kitties trust me, TAKE THEIR LIVES. EWWWW.

Calla and her kitties

Squirrel Friend!

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